Category Archives: Nickel Mining
PDAC Conference 2023 on March 5-8 in Toronto

Prospectors and Developers Association Convention (PDAC).
It is time again for Toronto’s world renowned mining conference to take place for 2023!
Last year (2022) as society in general was still battling the pandemic, the conference was postponed from the usual date and held in the middle of June. Thankfully we are able to attend in March this year, the usual time slot over the years.
Therefore we are able to relay to our readers that the official PDAC date is March 05-08, 2023.
Fortunately for the industry as noted in a recent article on the Canadian Junior Report, the sector seems to have risen from a low in collective market cap/share price since October 2022.
This has certainly cheered on investors and spurred even more intense exploration efforts from participants. Especially important since there seems to be no end to the demand for traditional metals plus a need for various ‘new’ minerals used in the technological society of the modern world.
With the usual blend of exploration companies, service providers, equipment manufacturers and financiers, we expect this years PDAC to be as busy as any previous years with much business transacted.
There will be many talks, meetings, educational events, awards and a refreshing beverage or two will be shared as participants from all over the globe congregate.
We hope to see you there!
The official address is the Metro Convention Center, North Building location located at 255 Front Street West, two blocks west of York Street.
The South Building entrance is located at 222 Bremner Boulevard, one block north of Lakeshore Boulevard, west of York Street.
Canadian Junior Report
Romios announces appointment of new CEO Stephen Burega

It looks like an exciting new day for Romios with the appointment of Stephen Burega as CEO!
Mr Burega was formerly serving as President of Romios.
Press Release announcing appointment.
Tom Drivas who founded the company approximately 27 years ago is stepping down. Mr. Drivas has assembled what we see as an impressive assembly of land claim packages over the years, with a significant deal being done with Enduro Resources a few years ago on several of their B.C. Golden Triangle claims.
The company plans to focus on Nevada moving forward.
“Plans are currently underway to move the Company’s assets forward with a focussed effort to streamline our approach and to bring our Nevada assets to the forefront of future exploration activities. We are actively looking for strong partnerships for our core assets in British Columbia and Ontario. All exploration activities will be supported with a well-developed communications and marketing effort that began in early 2022 to re-introduce the Company to the investing marketplace.”
With the recent addition of highly experienced geologist Joh Biczok we are seeing this as a very exciting next stage of development for Romios. Mr. Biczok has close to 40 years of experience and is a registered Professionial Geoscientist in Ontario
Mr Biczok spent 12 years conductiong research and exploration at the Goldcorp Musselwhite Mine most recently as senior exploration geologist and senior research geologist.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Romios, a very well positioned exploration junior.
Tartisan Nickel Corp. – TN:CSE = Moving Towards Production in Kenora

Tartisan Nickel is on a path to mineral production at Kenbridge in Kenora! This is their 100% owned Kenbridge Nickel Deposit located in Kenora Ontario.
Kenora is a prolific mineral district. Kenbridge was originally discovered in 1937 and was actually mined by Falconbridge in the mid 1950’s for 2.5 years which makes the deposit a logical candidate to go back into production- plus undergo expansion using modern mineral discovery techniques. It is in a mining friendly jurisdiction with all season road access within 9km.
An additional positive note for Tartisan Nickel is they are planning to produce electric vehicle (EV) battery metals.
With so many climate issues the world definitely needs the nickel copper and cobalt metals which this deposit holds!
Ownership: 100%
Commodities: Nickel, Copper, Cobalt
Location: NW Ontario
Status: Advanced Nickel Deposit
Next Steps: Surface exploration and definition drilling plan, in addition to geotechnical, metallurgical and environmental work
Kenbridge Nickel Resource Updated Estimates
Tartisan Nickel published (Sedar: September 17, 2020) a NI 43-101 updated resource estimate that outlined a combined open-pit and underground, historic measured and indicated resource of 7.58 Mt at 0.58% nickel, 0.32% copper for a total of 95 million pounds of contained nickel.
There are more mineral resources to be discovered at Kenbridge undoubtably, and with nickel currently trading over $11.00 U.S. that means there is over $1 Billion of nickel currently ready to be mined at Kenbridge. With certainty and a lot of upside with what is basically already defined exploration targets Tartisan Nickel can deliver a known already mined resource with modern techniques to deliver what could be substantial upside. THis makes for a very exciting story moving ahead.
As of May 31, 2022 Tartisan Nickel Corp. has commenced environmental baseline studies at the Kenbridge nickel project in the Kenora mining district in Northwestern Ontario. Their “P.E.A” is now in the wrap up phase and the Company hopes to update shareholders next month.
Mining production success is the whole point and ultimate aim of exploration.
Therefore we feel it is important to be aware of companies which have achieved the ability to be in that position in the near future. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to achieve this goal but ultimately adds the most value.
-We will be keeping you updated,
Canadian Junior Report