Monthly Archives: October 2023
Latest Video: Appia Rare Earths and Uranium Corp.

Appia has been very busy with 2 drill campaigns happening simultaneously currently in 2023.
One is the Alces Lake Rare Earth Project located in northwest Saskatchewan. This is the 2nd year of serious diamond drill exploration on the property and the company is about to start releasing results from the summer/fall drilling.
A very fortuitous gain of an ionic clay PCH Rare Earth Project in Goias Brazil has also been keeping the company busy drilling. Assay results are just beginning to be delivered from this property also and they are looking excellent. They have gone deeper and have been rewarded, and also plan to explore much more of the property.
Exciting times for the company and management who have been working diligently on developing rare earth prospects for some years now. Congratulations that the hard work is paying off.
Here is a link to the Latest Appia Video with CEO Tom Drivas, (Oct 24 202).
This video is over an hour long and provides a comprehesive view of the latest company updates.
Disclaimer: Editor holds shares in Appia and was an original investor in the 1st financing.
Mines and Money 2023

The annual Mines and Money conference could be considered the next significant mining event upcoming up in 2023. It is happening in London England as per usual, this year it takes place from Nov 28th to Nov 30th. Mines and Money/London website link
-Observing this conference can be a good way to “take the temperature” of the junior mining exploration. industry, especially as a precursor to the annual PDAC condference which happens early every March in Toronto.
-Keeping an eye on awards given out at Mines and Money, plus who is getting financed and which sectors are popular can give investors some valuable clues as to where the overall industry is heading.
We will be watching Mines and Money 2023 with a keen eye this year!