Appia releases 43-101 on their PCH Project

Lots of very impressive progress being made over at Appia Resources recently -including filing an NI 43-101 technical report on their PCH Project in Brazil. Compared to most companies this is quite an amazing accomplishment because they only acquired the PCH Project last year at PDAC 2023!
The short version of this report is:
6.6 Million Tonnes Indicated Grading 2,513 ppm TREO
46.2 Million Tonnes Inferred Grading 2,888 ppm TREO.
The discovery has been described as having ‘astonishing’ grades.
What is truly inspiring about this NI 43-101 in addition to the speed at which they have been accomplishing exploration, is the fact that they have only explored just over 1% of the property they have under their claims located in the state of Goias Brazil. The maiden resource was generated through only 2 zones known as Target IV and Buriti Zones. The bluesky upside with so much prospective area left to explore is obviously of very high potential. The PCH Project

Appia’s PCH Project-Goias, Brazil
Additional news: Appia has also just announced the hiring of a market maker company in order to monitor and assist in maintaining an orderly market in their shares. The company is called Generation IACP and is based in Toronto.
Press Release:
More additional news: Another significant development is the addition of a new VP of Exploration for Brazil operations, Mr Andre Costa. ” Mr. Costa will oversee the ongoing development of the Company’s PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay project located in Goias, Brazil.” As a consultant to a company called G21 Mr Costa has overseen various projects in Brazil including work for TSX/V listed Aclara Resources also in Goias state, managed exploration work for Codelco, exploratory and drilling work for Lithium Ionic, exploration work for Largo as well as Eco Mining and Bemisa. Therefore he has worked on many projects in various parts of Brazil and has extensive experience in the exploration field, making him an ideal candidate at an ideal stage of Appias development in that country. In total Mr. Costa has 29 years of experience including 9 years in Canada with a stint as Resident Geologist at the Saskatchewan Geological Survey. Saskatchewan happens to be where Appias other rare earth exploration project Alces lake is located, so very good synergy there as well.
All in all some great things happening at Appia and with the current state of the junior exploration markets still undervalued and under appreciated, there seems to be plenty of room for upside in their market valuation.
The editor of this article has owned shares in Appia pre-public and continues to hold.
Disclaimer, the editor may buy or sell shares at any time.
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