Is a ‘Commodities Supercycle’ coming?

Is A Commodities Supercycle Coming?

“A commodity supercycle is a sustained period, usually more than a decade, of increasing commodity demand.”

The phrase ‘commodities supercycle’ has been popping up in articles more frequently recently. The last time it was getting mentioned so frequently was back around 2008 just before we entered a severe downturn in the fortunes of the junior exploration business.

The following 20 year chart shows where we are at with the current sentiment via the TSX.V which tends to be heavily weighted with junior exploration companies.

20 Years of TSX.V

Now a lot of people know you can get quite rich from holding shares in the right junior exploration companies, but it can also really test your patience waiting for a discovery. Conventional wisdom also says you need to own around 10 of these companies in order to achieve success with one because it is a game of probabilities.

That being said there is a lot you can learn, and even participate in by telling all your friends and going to the various conventions for these companies, one of which is the annual PDAC in Toronto.

The Prospectors and Developers Association Convention is one of the largest in the world and has been a virtual institution in Toronto for decades. The covid pandemic the past couple of years has been the only real hiccup to one of the most interesting conventions out there, at least if you are a mining enthusiast!
The past 2 years has seen the PDAC go virtual but it will be back at the regular spot as of this year.

Official dates: PDAC 2022 will now be hosted in person in Toronto from June 13-15 and online from June 28-29.

Official Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre
222 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON

See you there!

The Canadian Junior Report

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